Digital Baski
Categorie: Afaceri Economie
Digital Baski
Dijital Baski gives printing and graphic design and marketing concultancy services for foreign companies at istanbul in turkey. Designs for book covers, book text, brochures, corporate identity and illustration. Offers book cover design, author websites, and book marketing materials for self publishing writers. business card, catalog, brochure, matbaa, flyer, postcard, calender, datasheet, poster, kartvizit
Cuvinte cheie:
dijital baski, digital baski, printing, business card, catalog, brochure, matbaa, flyer, postcard, calender, datasheet, poster
Text de pe pagina web:
Searching Duyurular  HoÅŸ Geldiniz.. 2001 Yılında faaliyete baÅŸlayan Akar Copy Center, çok kısa sürede önemli baÅŸarılara imza atmış; farklı çalışma anlayışı ve sunduÄŸu size özgü çözümlerle bu sektördeki önemli bir boÅŸluÄ